It's been SO long since I last posted! There is so much to catch up on. I finished my first semester of my sophomore year with straight A's and i'm working to do the same for my second semester. Cheer finally ended and we placed 4th in state (which is really good considering we had a month to prepare and we are from Flagstaff let us not forget). We also got a 1st palce trophy for sportsmanship. Mr. Cullen (our principal) said it was the best performance he's ever seen from our cheerleaders.
My Team. (Flagstaff High School Varsity Cheer 2008-2009)
In March, our school had a Sadie Hawkins dance. This was pretty exciting for me because I actually got to choose my date this time, which creates many possiblities for me. I spent forever trying to decide who I wanted to ask. Long story short, I found Anthony. I'm not going to tell everyone the whole story because you're probably already getting bored reading all this. But he and I didn't even know eachother when I asked him to the dance. He is in one of my classes so I made a shirt that said... "Anthony Cullen, will you be my date to the Sadies??" Oh yeah and he's my principal's son, my mom thinks that's an interesting fact that everyone should know. And in the words of my parents, we are "going steady" now.
Since the last time I posted, I celebrated my 16th birthday. My amazing parents let me take a few of my friends to Disneyland and it was a blast. ( I also went with one of my best friends to Disneyland a 2nd time for spring break.)

Emily Parry, Emily Berryhill, Jessica, and me on Twilgiht Zone Tower of Terror.