Tuesday, November 11, 2008

End of Football Season, and the election.

Finally! The football season has come to an end. It seems like it's lasted so long! It would feel so good to just have a second to catch my breath, except now I have competition practice every day, and just around the corner is basketball. No more dancing to band music! WOO HOO! It was a lot of fun starting off the football season but now that I think of it, cheering for a loosing football team is only fun for so long. It gets old fast and it's really sad when people ask me if I think we'll win and without a doubt I answer "nope." S
adly, we still have the best football team in Flagstaff!! Maybe, if or when they combine us with Sinagua, we'll have a better team. Next week we have spirit week and a pep assembly on Friday. (I'm going to see Twilight at midnight on Thursday so wish me luck. I could end up falling asleep in the middle of my routine!) But now I wave goodbye to yet another football season and prepare myself for the rest of the year. 

I never posted about the election! Prop 102 passed! and so did prop 8 in California!! That's the exciting news. I wish I had been old enough to vote in this election. Even now that the election is over, I still argue with peers about politics. No one seems to understand what I believe and why I think the way I do, much less 
do they respect it. I would say 95% of my friends at school are democrats. The funny thing is, they don't even know why! Whenever I put up a debate with them they don't know what to say and I still stick to my word that Barack Obama does not have enough experience to be the leader of our country. I mean look at the guy! He doesn't even put his hand over his heart in the pledge!!
Their main reason to support Barack Obama is because their parents do, but I encourage everyone to actually listen to the speeches in the future elections and comprehend what they're saying instead of just joining the band wagon. I think the reason I believe the things I do is because I was raised to see things that way. I give my friend Jennifer props for  deciding on her own to support John McCain when the rest of her family were supporters of Obama. She had been a supporter of Obama before but went and read a book by him and then had a different outlook. The way things were looking a few weeks before the election, the media made it obvious who would win in the end, but I am still proud to say that I stood up for my beliefs and I didn't give up on McCain. I still think he would be a much better leader for our country, but no matter what, we all still need to stand up for our beliefs and be proud to be a citizen of the wonderful country we live in.


AudyCamp said...

Congrats about football season being over..and hey cmon you know you liked that band music! :) Way to stand up for what you believe. I agree it is important for us to be patriotic and support our new president and country while still standing strong for what we believe. Good luck with your competions & basketball!

A day in the life of the Campbell's said...

I was so proud and amazed at how involved and active you were reguarding the election. I think you might possibly have a political career ahead of you...the next Sarah Palin maybe???