adly, we still have the best football team in Flagstaff!! Maybe, if or when they combine us with Sinagua, we'll have a better team. Next week we have spirit week and a pep assembly on Friday. (I'm going to see Twilight at midnight on Thursday so wish me luck. I could end up falling asleep in the middle of my routine!) But now I wave goodbye to yet another football season and prepare myself for the rest of the year.

I never posted about the election! Prop 102 passed! and so did prop 8 in California!! That's the exciting news. I wish I had been old enough to vote in this election. Even now that the election is over, I still argue with peers about politics. No one seems to understand what I believe and why I think the way I do, much less
do they respect it. I would say 95% of my friends at school are democrats. The funny thing is, they don't even know why! Whenever I put up a debate with them they don't know what to say and I still stick to my word that Barack Obama does not have enough experience to be the leader of our country. I mean look at the guy! He doesn't even put his hand over his heart in the pledge!!

Their main reason to support Barack Obama is because their parents do, but I encourage everyone to actually listen to the speeches in the future elections and comprehend what they're saying instead of just joining the band wagon. I think the reason I believe the things I do is because I was raised to see things that way. I give my friend Jennifer props for deciding on her own to support John McCain when the rest of her family were supporters of Obama. She had been a supporter of Obama before but went and read a book by him and then had a different outlook. The way things were looking a few weeks before the election, the media made it obvious who would win in the end, but I am still proud to say that I stood up for my beliefs and I didn't give up on McCain. I still think he would be a much better leader for our country, but no matter what, we all still need to stand up for our beliefs and be proud to be a citizen of the wonderful country we live in.
Congrats about football season being over..and hey cmon you know you liked that band music! :) Way to stand up for what you believe. I agree it is important for us to be patriotic and support our new president and country while still standing strong for what we believe. Good luck with your competions & basketball!
I was so proud and amazed at how involved and active you were reguarding the election. I think you might possibly have a political career ahead of you...the next Sarah Palin maybe???
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