So this week Ashlyn and I flew from Orange County to Salt Lake City to go to EFY at BYU Provo. We made a lot of friends. Like Angie (in that picture.), Zack, Karen, Max, Tanner, Nick, Brooke, and the UNFORGETABLE Quaid from Australia! haha This is a picture of us with himHe was so funny. He had an amazing accent! Ashlyn and i got a kick out of him. We had a GREAT time. Even though we woke up super early and went to bed really late, it was totally worth it. We had some amazing speakers and counsellors. Although, getting there, and getting back was a little hectic. Our flight was 45 minutes late leaving Orange County because of technical difficulties and we had a shuttle waiting for us in Salt Lake. We got there too late and our shuttle left us. It was kind of funny now that i look back on it, Me and Ashlyn running around the airport with no idea what to do. Haha as she dragged her 40 pound suitcase up the stairs and everyone stared awkwardly at her (i was smart and took the elevator.) haha ashlyn is so funny i love her to death. We became great friends this last week. We shared a dorm, which you'll see if you scroll down a little bit. On our way home, we had different airlines to different destinations. I was flying back to Phoenix where my parents were picking me up, and she was flying back to Laguna for a One Republic concert last night. We took the shuttle to the airport and i got off before, as my flight was with south west and hers was with Delta. Everything went fine with me, I printed my boarding pass, checked my luggage, and walked all the way to my gate without getting lost! However Ashlyn ran into a problem. I guess the lady at the desk yelled at her because she wasn't allowed to fly underage. I specifically told her though that she was 15 (because they'll let you check yourself in if you're 15) but she forgot and told them she was 14. They wouldn't let her fly out of Salt Lake. I felt really bad for her! But luckily her mom managed to get her a flight on south west to Phoenix four hours later and a two hour lay over before flying to Laguna but she had to miss her concert. She decided to stay in Phoenix. Poor Ash, she doesn't have very good luck. (she lost her key at camp and almost had to pay 30 dollars for a new one too!!!)
These are the boys in my Company at EFY. They're a funny group. Even though they're all younger than me!

how fun!!1 lol see u on friday!!!
love Nat
So glad to see who Quaid is:) Glad you and Ash had a great time at EFY. Always remember that feeling you had there..and Yay you made varsity!!
Wow things never change Ashlyn is still quite the messy girl - you gotta love her though! Looks like you had so much fun @ EFY
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