Sunday, August 17, 2008

Good News

Movie News Flash!
So I'm not sure if anyone has heard, but the release of the sixth Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, has been moved from this Thanksgiving to next summer. I suppose that might be a bummer for some people out there but it doesn't bother me one bit because... Summit Films has decided that us Twilight fans will get to see our movie THREE WEEKS earlier than the sceduled December 12th movie release date! Yes, that means that Twilight will be released on November 21st! I can't WAIT! I finish New Moon last week, and although it was a little depressing at the beginning it got really good at the end. I'm not going to give out any details in case anyone out there hasn't gotten that far yet (and I can't imagine anyone who hasn't because it seems I am far behind everyone else). But now i'm almost half way through Eclipse. These books are so great! When I finish the series I think I'm going to have to read it over again because I just can't get enough!


A day in the life of the Campbell's said...

I'm glad to see you are doing more than fixing your hair!! Now, could you do some chores?? ha ha does anyone besides me read your blog??

AudyCamp said...

i read it!:)